Featured Layouts US Airstrikes Targeted 85 Locations In Iraq And Syria
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US Airstrikes Targeted 85 Locations In Iraq And Syria

US Airstrikes Targeted 85 Locations In Iraq And Syria
US retaliatory strikes, President Biden commits to defending American interests

The United States initiated strikes on Iran-backed positions in Syria and Iraq, targeting approximately 85 locations associated with the IRGC Quds Force and affiliated groups. This action marks the beginning of President Joe Biden’s multi-tiered response to the weekend attacks on a US base in Jordan. The incident resulted in the loss of three American service members and left more than 40 individuals injured. Jordanian aircraft were also involved in the operation, assigned specific targets

The US military initiated an air assault on approximately 85 targets in Iraq and Syria, attributing the action to Iranian-backed militias following a drone strike that claimed the lives of three US troops in Jordan.

The strikes, executed by diverse aircraft, including long-range B-1 bombers, focused on command and control operations, intelligence centres, rockets, missiles, unmanned aerial vehicle storages, and logistics and munition supply chain facilities.

The airstrikes utilised over 125 precision munitions, underscoring the accuracy and targeted nature of the military response against the Iranian-backed militias.

President Joe Biden and other top US leaders had forewarned of a “tiered response” over time, indicating a sustained effort to counter the militias allegedly responsible for the attack on US troops.

President Biden affirmed, “Our response began today. It will continue at times and places of our choosing,” signalling the US commitment to addressing harm against Americans.

Iraqi military spokesperson Yahya Messenger Abdullah expressed reservations, contending that the strikes violated Iraqi sovereignty, undermined the efforts of the Iraqi government, and posed a threat to regional stability.

Despite a statement by Kataeb Hezbollah declaring a suspension of attacks on American troops, the US administration proceeded with its plans, reflecting a commitment to military action irrespective of militia statements.

The US strikes seemed to refrain from directly targeting Iran or its Revolutionary Guard Quds force, potentially mitigating the risk of further escalation with the Iranian government.

Iran denied involvement in the Jordan strike, with Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi asserting that Iran had no intentions of initiating a war but would respond robustly to any attempts of coercion.

Syrian State TV reported casualties due to the American airstrikes at the Syrian-Iraqi border, prompting concerns about broader regional consequences. The international community’s response to the US military actions in the context of Middle East tensions remains uncertain.

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