Cityscape Times Ethics

Cityscape Times Ethics


Cityscape Times aims to contribute to its readers by providing meaningful journalism and empowering comprehensive reporting of local and global news. Our commitment is to serve the public interest, foster a corporate environment with high standards of governance and ethics, and ensure both transparency and effectiveness. We strive to democratise data and technology intelligence in a modern context, providing unbiased news and insightful analysis on crucial matters across the globe. Cityscape Times is dedicated to equipping leaders in the urban and technological sphere with unbiased news, thoughtful analysis, in-depth research, and a supportive community, enabling them to navigate the swiftly evolving world of technology. Initiatives are underway to fuel the growth and development of the urban ecosystem, inspiring the next generation of entrepreneurs, emphasising the city’s position in the technological landscape, generating employment, and enhancing social well-being.

Scope Of These Guidelines

Our editorial code of conduct serves as a compass, guiding us to uphold the highest standards of journalism, ethics, and integrity. All editorial staff, freelancers, and contributors are held accountable to these standards and the values of passion, collaboration, and mutual respect. In a dynamic and ever-evolving ecosystem, Cityscape Times is committed to maintaining journalistic integrity and credibility in all editorial-related marketing activities. Should conflicts of interest arise between our coverage subjects and our organization, we prioritize transparency in our reporting.

Editorial Standards

Objectivity & Neutrality

Cityscape Times remains impartial, presenting unadulterated facts and opinions without personal biases. Opinions, when presented, are supported by data or expert commentary. Editorial Independence: Our commitment to newsworthiness extends to all entities meeting our criteria, without fear of reprisal. Legal Backing: Our editorial team is equipped with the technical, procedural, and legal support required for fearless reporting, ensuring an independent voice.

Our News Gathering Process

Double-sourcing is fundamental, especially when official records are absent, ensuring information is corroborated from two unrelated sources to maintain investigative purity. We treat sources and subjects with the utmost respect, maintaining emotional distance whenever possible. All news-gathering efforts are conducted legally, respecting privacy, and adhering to ethical standards in information acquisition. A rational and balanced approach is applied to investigations, allowing subjects sufficient time to contribute to the final product.

Duties Of Journalists

Cityscape Times journalists prioritise fair and balanced reporting based on information gathered ethically. Unbiased news gathering is conducted, treating subjects and sources with dignity and objectivity. Objectivity is paramount, discouraging the introduction of personal opinions in articles. Data is used to drive conversations, and claims are verified before publication. Journalists ensure no plagiarised material is submitted, with zero tolerance for unattributed quotes or data.

Duties Of The Editor

Editors ensure all coverage aligns with Cityscape Times’ standards, upholding journalistic integrity from inception to publication. If errors are identified, the editor ensures prompt rectification and plagiarised material is prevented from publication. Editors are responsible for creating systems that guarantee fair and balanced reporting while addressing content grievances seriously. Timely submission of reports, news, and feature stories is supervised, along with appropriate packaging for headlines, visuals, and marketing content.

Fact Check Guidelines

Cityscape Times upholds a reputation for fair, balanced, and accurate reporting. Double-sourcing is key to ensuring accuracy, especially when official records are unavailable. Respect for sources and subjects is maintained, and responses from subjects are allowed sufficient time based on the nature of the reporting. Updates and corrections are promptly made when new information becomes available. All news gathering adheres to legal and ethical standards.

Advertisers, Native & Content Marketing

No advertorial content is produced. Native content undergoes a rigorous editorial process. The content is not published for favourable coverage in exchange for access.

Source Attribution

Reporting always credits the first source prominently, and quotes are correctly attributed to relevant sources. Misattribution of quotes or altering content is strictly prohibited. Anonymous sources are used cautiously, with efforts made to ensure their credibility. Third-party publications are attributed distinctly, and translations are handled with care.

Guidelines Surrounding External Contributors

Journalists clarify the nature of conversations (on the record, anonymous, or off the record) to maintain transparency. Impartiality is maintained in relationships with sources, avoiding acceptance of hospitality to preserve professional detachment. If relationships become personal and bias may creep in, journalists should contact the Editor-in-Chief.

Grievance Redressal

Concerns about content quality can be addressed at [email protected], and Cityscape Times is committed to resolving valid concerns promptly.